RE:AND 藝術設計博覽會 主辦單位 「自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Art Apartments」



2013-2015於「板橋435藝文特區」經營「435藝術家工作室」,2016年開始朝更有機式、多點式的展覽與策展計畫的項目發展,2017-2018年在台中軟體園區以 「DALI ART國際藝術村(台中)」為期一年的駐村計畫,並且開始以藝術的策展、策劃、創意整合方向發展,目前主要計畫有「台北插畫藝術節」、「台灣印花設計節」、「亞洲插畫藝術節」、「酷兒藝術節」、「綠綠森活節」為代表,實體活動空間以松菸創作者工廠  (台北辦公空間) 作為活動據點。

Freedom Men Art Apartment is a new generation art style alternative space established in 2012. There are inside the performance space, studio, art residency, etc. We promote a middle of the field for the main purpose of the development of contemporary art in Taiwan, to promote more public arts viewing population, and to promote more young generations of creators and artists, is a new form of performance space distinct personality.

With art as the center, we created some new methods of cross-over integration, and tried new possibilities to create a variety of different artistic and cultural development platforms, and to create artistic commercialization and art through effective “connection, integration and innovation”. Popular new art and formats.

At present, there are representative works such as “Freedom Men Art News”, “Freedom Men Art Apartments”, “435 Artist Studio”, “Taipei Free Art Fair”, “Taipei Illustration Fair”, “Taiwan Pattern Design Festival”, “Asia Illustration Fair”, “Taiwan Art Practice School”, “Now Space”, “DALI ART Residency Program”.